Heart House
Heart House
The heart is the universal symbol for human emotion, which is why notions of closeness and vulnerability are expressed through this trope. Anything or anyone we adore is often referred to as “close to the heart.” One’s home is the most intimate built space that can be experienced, and Heart House is an architectural and sculptural allegory for this feeling of belonging. Each space in the house is a metaphor for the different members of the human heart, reflecting their functions and roles in oxygenating and recharging blood. The connectivity between the rooms of the house and their circulation paths are also akin to the movement of a blood molecule through the oxygenation process. This network generates a labyrinth of unique spaces, with both private nooks and expansive moments.
The heart is the universal symbol for human emotion, which is why notions of closeness and vulnerability are expressed through this trope. Anything or anyone we adore is often referred to as “close to the heart.” One’s home is the most intimate built space that can be experienced, and Heart House is an architectural and sculptural allegory for this feeling of belonging. Each space in the house is a metaphor for the different members of the human heart, reflecting their functions and roles in oxygenating and recharging blood. The connectivity between the rooms of the house and their circulation paths are also akin to the movement of a blood molecule through the oxygenation process. This network generates a labyrinth of unique spaces, with both private nooks and expansive moments.
Darpan 2019
acrylics card 15" x 20"
An illuminated/illustrated passage from Sri Guru Nanak Prakash Granth. Guru Nanak and Bala save Mardana from the Cannibal, Kauda. Kauda had a mirror (darpan) with which he could see the image of people's past life incarnations if they looked into it. When he saw Bala and Guru Nanak arrive to save Mardana, he pointed the mirror at Guru Nanak, only to see the Guru's face in the mirror. This was an indication that Guru Nanak was not an ordinary being and was in fact an incarnation of the divine. After observing this, Kauda was deeply humbled and so he released Mardana. Mardana later pleaded to Guru Nanak to take the mirror from Kauda so that they could all see what they were in past lives. Guru Nanak answered by saying that the most valuable mirror is that of self reflection through focusing on the sacred word (shabad) and meditation. It is through this practice that one can see his/her true character.
ਸ੍ਰੀ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਜੀ ਇਹ ਦਰਪਨ ਲੀਜੈ।
ਹੈ ਅਦਭੁਤ ਨਿਜ ਨਿਕਟਿ ਰਖੀਜੈ। - (adbhut means ajeeb, nij means our own, nikut means near)
ਸੁਨਿ ਕਰਿ ਭਨਹਿ ਗਰੀਬ ਨਿਵਾਜੂ। ??
ਇਸ ਦਰਪਨ ਤੇ ਕਿਆ ਹ੍ਵੈ ਕਾਜੂ॥੯੭॥
ਮੁਕਰ ਵਿਚਾਰ ਰੂਪ ਜਿਂਹ ਪਾਸਾ। (mukar is sheesha)
ਤਿਨ ਕੋ ਆਤਮ ਹੋਤ ਪ੍ਰਗਾਸਾ।
ਰਾਖਹੁ ਸੋ ਸਦੀਵ ਨਿਜ ਸੰਗਾ।
ਸਦਾ ਅਨੰਦ ਕਰਹਿ ਭ੍ਰਮ ਭੰਗਾ॥੯੮॥
ਇਤਿ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ ਗ੍ਰੰਥੇ
ਪੂਰਬਾਰਧੇ ਭਰਥਰੀ ਔਰ ਕੌਡੇ ਕੋ
ਪ੍ਰਸੰਗ ਬਰਨਨੰ ਨਾਮ ਪੰਚਾਸਮੋ ਧਸਾਇ ॥੫੦॥
Sri prabhu ehe darpan leejai ।
Hai adbhut nij nikt rakheejai ।
Sun kar bhanehe gareeb nivajoo ।
Iss darpan te kya hvai kajoo ॥97॥
Mukr vichaar roop jihn paasa ।
Tin ko aatm hot pragassa ।
Rakhoho so sadeev nij sanga ।
Sdaa anand karhai bhram bhanga ॥98॥
Itt sri guru nanak prakash granthey poorbaardhai bharthari aur kaudey ko prasang barnn naam panchasmo dhyai
TRANSLATION (with elaborations):
“Dear Lord, please take this mirror, (Mardana respectfully refers to Guru Nanak as Sri Prabhu)
“It is unique and we will keep it with us.”
Upon hearing this, Guru Nanak spoke (Guru Nanak is referred to as gareeb nivajoo, the saviour of the poor)
“What is the use of this mirror?
“Those who have the mirror of the shabad
“They are able to illuminate and see their true self
“Whoever keeps this mirror with them
“They remain in bliss and all illusions are broken.”
Sri Guru Nanak Prakash Eastern Book (i.e. the first of 2 books) Chapter 50 with Kauda